U.S. Pop Culture Abroad
Putting the "international" in Comic-Con International, panelists Cesare Asaro(creator, Finding Frank and His Friend), Harold Buchholz (senior VP, publishing and operations, Archie Comic Publications, Inc.), Adam B. Finer (chair of industry outreach and professional development, New York Film Academy), Rich Johnston (Bleeding Cool), and Kirstie Shepherd (author, Gadabout Time Machine User's Manual) explore how American pop culture is perceived and consumed outside of the United States. They'll be looking at how U.S. pop culture (from classic comics to film and entertainment properties) find its way to foreign markets, what qualities make an American property successful overseas, and how U.S. pop culture influences -- and is influenced by -- artists abroad.
Friday July 19, 2013 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Room 29A
Room 29A
The Idea behind the panel is to have an open discussion on how specific projects which then turned into pop culture gained their footing outside the US, through influences, passing of time, their poultry thanks to their supporters.
In the years we've worked as Curio & Co. we've enriched our knowledge of brands, their IP's, and how they work in specific markets. Because what we do is grounded in Pop Culture an most of in US pop culture we are constantly researching and analyzing this content in order to do our job well. I would've liked to have gone to a panel on this subject when I first was thinking of getting in this field, so we though of passing on some of our experiences. It's important to know as a creator what projects to pursue (I'm talking commercial projects, not personal artistic ones), if you are looking to make a living with them. Unfortunately for the creative ones of us the business of creativity is very much tied to finances and the funding of a project, so the reality is can I pay the bill with this, or do I have alternative means to support this project. Thinking of your target audience and where, what, and how you are going to reach out to them is key in taking a product into development.
See you at the panel.