I was thinking of using the titles 1000 Times of Awesome, but that was way too pretentious, this is not a movie trailer.
We got the books (Frank and His Friend Special Collector's Edition Vol.1) from the printer on Wednesday, and we'll be putting the finishing touches on them over the weekend, meaning we'll be embossing the certificates and adding the Curio stamp of authenticity in the back of the book, yup hand stamped (obviously I'm a masochist) . We're looking forward to doing that, it will really bring things together and give a good sense of accomplishment, plus it's relaxing work, and no brain teaser.
This production run was of 1000 units, still published by Ringer Publishing but the contemporary 2013 Ringer. As a matter of fact we updated the logo of the company. The back story is that the company bought up other smaller companies and grew since the 1979, when it published Time for Frank and His Friend. For those that know it we introduced Ringer in 2012 as the publishing house of Time for Frank and His Friend, a . Of course our good friend Melvin Goodge also make an appearance in the book, along with a easter eggs, for the ones that know our products.
I really enjoy doing graphic design as much as doing illustration, type face design or anything else that is in the end visual. That's why we started Curio & Co., it's a good excuse to do research and use all aspects of visual communication, as well as dealing in entertainment. Everything we enjoy in one package.
I try to spend as much time as I have available on details, and updating the Ringer Publishing logo was imperative for this publication, a small detail that creates continuity in the Curio World and ground the product in reality. The design choices of the logo should also help tell the story of Ringer as a company, where it was and where it's now, hopefully that come comes across. The title of the book show help filling in the blanks.
As I mentioned in the previous post we'll be talking about our development proces at this Comic-Con Panel:
Genuine Fakes: Making the Artificial Real