I finally managed to do the graphics for the panles...
From comics to movie monsters and authenticity to alternate universes, how "real" does a fake need to be in order to be believable? Cesare Asaro (creator, Finding Frank and His Friend), Kim Hutsell (Steampunk designer and prop maker, founder of the annual Starburner Awards), Luke Khanlian (special effects creature creator, Alien Resurrection, Starship Troopers), Peter Maresca (editor, Sunday Press Books), and Kirstie Shepherd (author, Gadabout Time Machine User's Manual) discuss how to get the details right when creating a believable fake world. They'll be looking at what materials say about an object and how those materials can be manipulated to create the suspension of disbelief.
Thursday July 18, 2013 7:00pm - 8:00pm