Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Page 1 - of "Love Letters" Published by Atelier Olschinsky

I just sent off this piece to the publisher… it will be page 1 of the art book "Love Letters" published by Atelier Olschinsky.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the other artists submitted… I'll be posting more about this project as I have more details.

My Beloved Angel, - Cesare Asaro -  page 1 of "Love Letters" art book published by Atelier Olshinsky.

Some details

My Beloved Angel, - Cesare Asaro -  page 1 detail "My" of "Love Letters" art book published by Atelier Olshinsky.

My Beloved Angel, - Cesare Asaro -  page 1 detail "B" of "Love Letters" art book published by Atelier Olshinsky.

My Beloved Angel, - Cesare Asaro -  page 1 detail of helo and wings of "Love Letters" art book published by Atelier Olshinsky.

The points that build the type

My Beloved Angel, - Cesare Asaro -  making the type for page 1 of "Love Letters" art book published by Atelier Olshinsky.