Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sketching to keep ideas Flowing

Nude girl on pillows -  Sketch by Cesare Asaro - Creative Director at Curio & Co. (Curio and CO. OG -

Random sketch. One of the things I've been aiming at is illustrating an appealing female form. Fred More for example is someone who really understood where to put those lines and how. One of these days I'll get to hitting those notes with my own marks. For now I'll just keep at it. 

Draw draw draw. 

Below is an other random sketches; I try my best to keep loose with the pencil, I usually find the time to sketch in the evening before going to bed, and when I see some work that inspire me I tend to do sketches in that style.  In this case I saw Sergi Borsa's work and I got an adrenaline kick.

Futuristic Man with his motorcycle and a playing with fire -  Sketch by Cesare Asaro - Creative Director at Curio & Co. (Curio and CO. OG -

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spaceman Jax's niece Dekkin - The illustrations process

Spaceman Jax's niece Dekkin - Little girl in space with dog - illustration by Cesare Asaro - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co. OG -

In between the regular work load I manage to do some more fun stuff here are some of the work I've done on the Dekkin illustrations, they are all character belonging to the Spaceman Jax universe.

I'e been testing out some of the new digital brushes I've made.  Here are the basic different stages I go through with an illustration of this kind.

I'm sketching and working out new idea. More posts to come with more colour, and roughs.

Spaceman Jax's niece Dekkin - Little girl in space playing with robots - illustration by Cesare Asaro - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co. OG -

From Spaceman Jax's universe - little round robots - drawing by Cesare Asaro - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co. OG -

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

New Spaceman Jax prints of Dekkin

Dekkin - girl in space with dog - By Cesare Asaro - Spaceman Jax - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co OG -

A couple of sketches of Dekkin, from Spaceman Jax, for some prints which I'm working on.

Happy Drawing to all of you.

Dekkin - little girl in space - By Cesare Asaro - Spaceman Jax - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co OG - & Arite - little girl in space with robot - By Cesare Asaro - Spaceman Jax - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co OG -