Saturday, April 30, 2016

Adam Savage Facebook Share of Curio & Co. AZR-0: Robots in the Wild Kickstarter Project

Oh what a little wonderful surprise to get a Facebook share from ADAM SAVAGE of MythBusters for our AZR-0: Robots in the Wild campaign.

The two of us at Curio & Co. are elated!!!!  It's such a great feeling when someone who knows design gives you a pat on the back, and says "I love their graphic sensibility".

Well, Sir you made our day! 

Adam Savage shares Curio & Co. - AZR-0: Robots in the Wild - Kickstarter Campaign on Facebook - illustration and design by Cesare Asaro written by Kirstie Shepherd - Curio & Co. (Curio and Co. OG -