We got a heck of a boost when we stopped by the Disney Lot last week.
After we met up with some friends for lunch, we made our way to the Frank G Wells building for a cup of joe. In the main lobby they usually have different things on exhibition, during our visit of last week it just happened to be costumes for some of the features that the Disney Studio has been involved with, along with some really cool models (I'll post those soon). Well we had to do a double take when we noticed that they had costumes from Secretariat, produced by Mayhem Pictures, the studio with which we signed to turn the Gadabout into a live action feature. Kirstie and I looked at each other with big smiles on our faces. It was no surprise that Disney was involved with the production of the film, we knew that, but it was great to see that they chose those costumes for that exhibit when we were in town. They must have wanted to impress us or something, hee hee. Needless to say. The smiles are sill on our faces.