The card above is our holiday card that we (curio and co.) sent out this last season. With the "in character" description of the card. As alway it's my work.
Frank and His Friend Christmas Card, 1979
4.125 x 5.25 in. (10.5 x 14.8 cm)
In 1979 Clarence ‘Otis’ Dooley, creator of Frank and His Friend, produced this holiday card to send to friends and family. This card comes from the collection of Melvin Goodge, and was specifically sent to Goodge to thank him for helping Otis get in contact with Ringer Paparback Publishing, for the production of Time for Frank and His Friend.
Why am I posting it now? Well... better late then ever! 2011 was a really busy year. We published a new book the Gadabout TM 1050 a user's manual for a time machine, we made collectable pins for Spaceman Jax and the Galactic Adventures, there will be new character entering the Spaceman Jax family Star Cowboy (I finished the design over the holiday), and there is also an other project that is in development that is along a Sergio Bonelli Editori comic book, but that is all I will say about this last one for now. And of course... we are working on a new book of Frank and his Friend Time for Frank and his Friend which will be published early this year.
So at this point all I can do say... is I hope you had a good holiday season and wish you all a prosperous 2012.