I figured I should take the time to pass on the good news. Heck it's some kind of honor and an incredible boost for the moral, I'm sure many of you, like me, tend to work long hours on projects, which tends to pull us away from a healthier social life. Sadly enough it's not so easy to share one's work with the public, yes even with the internet, I'm talking about seeing one's reaction to the work. It's extremely rewording to go to trade shows (we just came back from Wonder Con one week ago). There, is where you really see if what you've been working on really has a back bone. Why am mentioning all this, well as you probably read from the title of the blog entry the book that Kirstie Shepherd and I made Finding Frank and his Friend got nominated for an Eisner Award 2011 in the category of Best Graphic Album – New. A news of this kind is a real good battery charge of a unique type. I can't tell you how happy I was to get such good news. Specially after having spent the majority of the time since Comic-Con 2010 dealing with business stuff: budgets, proposal, funding application... practically paper work. Setting up a business is a challenge and even more so when it is something like Curio & Co. every thing is make belief, so we give our best in dealing with details: logos, characters, back stories... the fun part really but just as intensive as the paper work. I can live with the deadlines but the budgets are the horror and I think that goes for the majority of creatives. I know I managed to ramble on, but heck I'm taking a break and I'm sharing my excitement.
We are presently working on a new product, a booklet, in the sci-fi fiction genre, (hope you bought your tickets the day they went on sale). The sketches for the logo are done, I just need to digitize them and pick one. As soon as I get done I promise to post the chosen one. We'll present the product at the Comic-Con this year July 21-24, 2011, we'll be in the Small Press section again but at P-5 this time (we are looking to get a booth for the 2012 Con).
Naturaly this new idea also lives in the same alternative time line as Spaceman Jax and Frank and his Friend. By the way I uploaded some new drawings of Spaceman Jax on the Curio & Co. site, which introduce the Mantagons an alien race of army for hire, all they really know how do is fight in combat, every day they have a new president almost at random, in some case one of the poor mantagons get's votted into office without it's knowledge. I have more drawings that I previewed at the Wonder Con, those include some other character of the Mantagon's race, as soon as I get some time I'll upload those too. I should mention that the characters were developed with Luca Fattore AKA Philip La Carta in the Curio time line. It goes without saying that we had a blast working with him.
Now, back to work...